Advanced laboratory rotary evaporator - Rotavapor® R-300 / R-300 Pro

Rotation speed: 10 - 280 rpm
Maximum flask capacity: 3 kg
Flask size / temperature range:
1 litre heating bath, 20 - 95 °C (water)
5 litre heating bath, 20 - 220 °C
Lift: manual or automatic
Available condensers: 7 types
Compatible interface: I-300 or I-300 Pro
Integrated display for set and actual temperature, rotation speed, lift position.
The compatible interface I-300 includes timer function, an App for mobile push notifications and remote monitoring via smart phone, solvent library, dynamic distillation for instant start, automatic distillation and automatic foam detection functionalities. Interface I-300 Pro additionally includes method-based operation and data recording and charting functionalities.