Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC/HPTLC)
High-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) is an enhanced form of thin-layer chromatography (TLC). The high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) workflow comprises of the steps sample application, chromatogram development, derivatization and detection. In the sample application step, extracts are applied as bands onto the plate with a software-controlled applicator (Nanomat 4, Linomat 5, ATS 4). For the chromatogram development, the use of automatic development chambers (ADC 2, AMD 2) allow making this step more reproducible and less dependent on human interaction. In the derivatization step, substances without chromophores or fluorophores can be visualized or made detectable through derivatization (CAMAG Derivatizer). In the detection step, a digital camera captures the chromatogram by means of electronic images, which can be further analyzed using the TLC Visualizer 2 or BioLuminizer. Alternatively, chromatograms can be densitometrically evaluated using the TLC Scanner 4. TLC-MS coupling allows for verification of the chemical structure of analytes by mass spectrometry using the CAMAG MS-Interface (TLC-MS Interface 2).
Dried blood spot (DBS) analysis method shows strong advantages compared to the conventional collection and analysis of blood or plasma samples. The fully automated CAMAG DBS-MS 500 is used for the analysis of target substances out of a DBS.